Thursday, September 28 2K
This is Caramel unusual :) Its like 11:30
at night time. I'm just bored and nervous...I DJ for my school tomorrow,
and I wanna make it good so...
Sunday, September 24 2K
Waddup y'all. We got very good plans coming along for Corn
Psycho. Storyboards will be coming on the site soon. Caramel is drawing
them up, but ALL of us our planning it down. So that should be cool...
Monday, September, 4 2K
This is my first time updating this site, but I won't make
it special. We are all working with new ideas with our executive producer,
Shawn Thomas, it seems we have come up with a lot of ideas...
Sunday, October 8, 2K
Waddup y'all! Yea the pep rally went well, but the real news is all about
a new movie idea came up by me (Caramel), but its still got work to do.
This isn't much of an update, but i'm still keepin' up wit HCP. It may
not be all as popular as it was last year, but i'm still caring for it
because its the only thing going for me besides school and Natasha. Na'mean.
Other news is also that Anthony Still might be starring
in the new movie, but he's gotta fit it in his schedule.
Thats it for tonite, i'm out, peace!
