Monday, July 31,
(11:03 P.M.)--I
fixed the dead links in the Contact section, if you don't already know,
the contact section can be found at the @ sign up top.
-DJ Pong
(1:34 P.M.)--I fixed all the links
on the menu just now, I forgot that I had to put the extension on(.htm).
The movies did not upload successfully for some reason that I don't know
why but i'm getting a DSL modem real soon setup. They will be up then.
-DJ PonG
(2:40 A.M.)--Hey y'all,
how do you like the new layout, didn't take me too long to do for I like
it alot myself. I think its fit to 800x600 but i'm not sure, if its not,
then oh well. Scrollong will be done then if it isn't. I don't know if
the previews are fully uploaded but my computer is doing it right now.
Well, I hope that you like the new site. Sign The Guestbook saying how
you like it!
-DJ PonG
