Thursday, October 12, 2K
I just put up another preview tonite. Its for Street Ninjas,
the movie only made by two people. Not as good as 405 which is also made
by two guys...
Tuesday, October 10, 2K
Yo, waddup y'all whoever's checkin up here. I just uploaded
movies for real player, not actual movies, although we made two already,
they're just previews...
Sunday, October 8, 2K
Waddup y'all! Yea the pep rally went well, but the real
news is all about a new movie idea came up by me (Caramel), but its still
got work to do. This isn't much of an update, but i'm still keepin' up
wit HCP. It may not be all as popular as it was last year...
Monday, November 13, 2K
Well I haven't updated for a month and day...sorry, just
had some more important things to do than to keep up with this site. I
added alot of stuff though, pics to be exact. In the Staff section, there
is a link to a bunch of pics of the three founders. Various pics such
as in-school and free-style night.
More pics will be on the way, but since my bro took my
camera, we won't have another free-style night till after thanxgivin'.
So until then, keep it real!
