Monday, November 13, 2K
Well I haven't updated for a month
and day...sorry, just had some more important things to do than to keep
up with this site. I added alot of stuff though, pics to be exact. In
the Staff section, there is a link to a bunch of pics of the three founders...
Thursday, October 12, 2K
I just put up another preview tonite. Its for Street Ninjas,
the movie only made by two people. Not as good as 405 which is also made
by two guys...
Tuesday, October 10, 2K
Yo, waddup y'all whoever's checkin up here. I just uploaded
movies for real player, not actual movies, although we made two already,
they're just previews...
Sunday, December 10, 2K
Well, this is Notorious updating for once...since x-mas
is almost here and so is our new equipment; i'm just gonna give some shoutouts
to everybody. These shoutouts are also on my personal here
it goes:
Steve- keep doing it and leave Jenny alone lol j/k
Joel- Lucky bitch
Ryan- Keep dreaming, one day you'll get the goods
John- That dirty bitch didn't give you goods, keep ya head up
Hannah- Give me a week!! Please!
Jenny- what is a bill? i mean i just wanna know!
Ashton- sup chick
Caitlin- what you up too
Christa- you aight now?
Chucky- i got to help you out, you hurting me, you turning to a black
preepy cat and we can't have this!
Greg- yesssss!
Anthony- sup dawg? the back of the truck is very comfortable
Mike P.- your turn is up now its my turn! jk
Alexis- so when you gonna do what i told you to?
Hillary- you need a nice black kid, hint!!! lol
KB- Keep Driving
Steve S.-what the hell do you do to get that chick
Angela-when you gonna stop puttin me on blast?
Jessica- hey call me anytime
Brea- that quick? Damn!!
Melissa N.-when you gonna let me ride your train
Melissa S.- thanx for being a good friend
Sam- hey
Michelle- sup #11
Pat- thats my dawg
Kalyn- don't believe them its not true
Peace, One!

Notorious SAT